
Lack of sleep will ruin your dental health

Lack of sleep will ruin your dental health

Dental Blog, Dental Care Tips, Oral Health
by Surya Dental Care | April 13th, 2021

Sleeping is an important physiological activity that is essential for our physical health. As it helps in boosting the immune system and replenish the functionalities of organs inside the body, sleep disturbances will cause a blunder in certain vital functions, leading to chronic diseases like stroke, diabetes, coronary artery disease, and much more.

COVID-19 is the best time to get dental braces

COVID-19 is the best time to get braces. Why?

Dental Blog, Treatments
by Surya Dental Care | April 7th, 2021

Dental braces are paramount to address crooked, gapped, and misaligned teeth. Even though it provides you a perfectly straight smile, many people hesitate to invest in orthodontic treatments because they do not want to show their brace-face to the world. Meanwhile, the metal brackets connected with metal wiring in the metal braces are noticeable. This … Continue reading COVID-19 is the best time to get braces. Why?

COVID Tongue - The new symptom of coronavirus infection

COVID Tongue – The new symptom of coronavirus infection

Dental Blog, Dental Care Tips, Dental Hygiene, General, General Health
by Surya Dental Care | March 29th, 2021

Since the Corona outbreak took place, the entire world has been witnessing a plethora of unpredictable changes in recent times. Moreover, the infectious disease shared mild bodily disorders like fever, headache, dry cough, any irregularities in our body scare us. Right? In this post, we have unveiled one of the oral-related manifestations of COVID-19. If … Continue reading COVID Tongue – The new symptom of coronavirus infection

Different types of water and their effects on teeth

Different types of water and their effects on teeth

Dental Blog, Dental Care Tips, General, General Health, Oral Health
by Surya Dental Care | March 22nd, 2021

Water is nature’s drink and it holds high nutritional contents like calcium, fluoride, iron, potassium, and so on. You might aware of the importance of drinking a lot of water. Rehydrating with water takes care of balancing the fluid concentration in our body, supply nutrients to the inner cells, aids in digestion, keeping your heart … Continue reading Different types of water and their effects on teeth

How do dental illnesses affect your brain health

How do dental illnesses affect your brain health?

Dental Blog, General, General Health
by Surya Dental Care | March 18th, 2021

Your oral cavity has many fascinating interconnections with your total body wellness. Poor oral care will make you vulnerable to a multitude of systemic diseases like respiratory diseases, diabetes, heart diseases, and much more. Do you know that bacteria proliferated with untreated dental illnesses can affect your brain health?

Harmful effects of aluminium on your oral health

Harmful effects of aluminium on your oral health

Dental Blog, Dental Care Tips, Dental Hygiene, General, Oral Health
by Surya Dental Care | March 15th, 2021

Similar to eating nutritious foods, choosing the right cookware to prepare the cuisines is also crucial for a healthy life. Recent evidences show that foods we eat have unpleasant effects on our body due to the toxic substances in the cooking utensil’s raw material. For instance, aluminium utensils are the widely used cookware in houses … Continue reading Harmful effects of aluminium on your oral health

White Teeth

Easy tips to whiten your teeth at home

Dental Blog, Dental Care Tips
by Surya Dental Care | March 28th, 2020

Are you worried about the color of your teeth? Do your teeth look yellow and discolored? In case your teeth are stained, there are ways to get rid of the unflattering color. With age and other lifestyle habits, the teeth may darken or discolor. Depending on the care of the teeth, the outer enamel will … Continue reading Easy tips to whiten your teeth at home


Best and worst drinks for your teeth

Dental Blog, General, Oral Health
by Surya Dental Care | March 21st, 2020

What we eat and how often we eat are the essential things required to keep our mouth clean and healthy. To maintain a healthy oral cavity, you should follow a diet that comprises of tooth-friendly foods and drinks. Most people are not aware of the effects of the drinks they consume on their teeth. Similar … Continue reading Best and worst drinks for your teeth


Natural Sweeteners for your dental health

Dental Blog, Dental Care Tips, General, General Health, Oral Health
by Surya Dental Care | March 11th, 2020

It can be difficult to leave refined sugar. Fortunately, there are natural substitutes for sugar, which offers a healthy amount of sweetness without any of the bad side effects. They’re low in fructose, low in calories, and very sweet in taste.

Wisdom Tooth

Warning signs you need to remove wisdom teeth

Dental Blog, Dental Care Tips, Oral Health
by Surya Dental Care | March 7th, 2020

Do you need to remove your wisdom teeth? Are your wisdom teeth damaged or injured? If you want to know what wisdom teeth are, they are found in the area at the back of the gums. Known as the third molars, almost all adults have 32 teeth which include 4 wisdom teeth with two at … Continue reading Warning signs you need to remove wisdom teeth

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