
Bonded Teeth

Everything you need to know about Dental Bonding

Restorative Dentistry
by Surya Dental Care | October 22nd, 2018

Dental bonding is the dental procedure that involves restoring the appearance of a tooth by cementing a tooth-colored resin to the natural elements of a tooth. This adhesive dental procedure is utilized in treating chipped, cracked or broken teeth and decayed teeth often. Likewise, tooth bonding is also exploited in cosmetic dentistry treatments to enhance … Continue reading Everything you need to know about Dental Bonding

Dental Fillings

Different Types of Dental Filling materials brought by modern dentistry

Restorative Dentistry, Treatments
by Surya Dental Care | October 16th, 2018

Tooth filling also known as Dental filling is a dental restorative procedure. It is highly deployed in treating cavities. Treating a decayed tooth with dental filling materials prevent the expansion of cavities. This is also helpful in repairing broken or cracked teeth if the extent of repair is minor. Different types of filling materials


Consider these things while buying a toothbrush

Dental Blog, Dental Hygiene
by Surya Dental Care | October 3rd, 2018

The toothbrush is the most important dental hygiene product. You should not underestimate the value of cleaning teeth with a toothbrush. It is impossible to remove the particles deposited or stuck between the teeth without a toothbrush. Do you agree? Until toothbrush with nylon bristles was invented in the late 1930s, people used brushes made … Continue reading Consider these things while buying a toothbrush

dental implant maintenance

Dental Implant Maintenance Tips

Dental Implants
by Surya Dental Care | September 26th, 2018

A dental implant cannot decay but it is susceptible to plaque built up. Such deposition of plaque causes infection in the gum tissues around the implants and affect the success rate of the implants. Hence dentists recommend dental office cleaning for the implants twice a year. If you get dental implants or implant dentures to … Continue reading Dental Implant Maintenance Tips

Hazards of Missing Tooth

Why do we need to restore missing teeth?

Dental Blog, General, Oral Health, Restorative Dentistry
by Surya Dental Care | September 17th, 2018

Everyone has overcome the stage of losing milk teeth in childhood. It is a natural thing and indicates the development of permanent teeth beneath the gum line. It is abnormal to encounter such teeth loss in adulthood because such adult teeth are permanent. Hidden hazards of missing adult teeth

Chewing Gums

5 Oral Health benefits of chewing gums

Dental Hygiene, General, Oral Health
by Surya Dental Care | September 12th, 2018

Chewing Gum is not just a candy like most people think. It is potent to clean and protect our teeth. In general, a chewing gum is a combination of gum, resin, filler, sweeteners, softeners, flavorings and certain antioxidants. Unlike sugary bubble gums that contain sugars as sweeteners, sugar-free chewing gums, Xylitol chewing gums are potent … Continue reading 5 Oral Health benefits of chewing gums

Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Wisdom Tooth Removal to safeguard your oral health

Oral Health, Oral Surgery
by Surya Dental Care | September 2nd, 2018

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars are the last permanent teeth erupt in the far back our mouth. Usually, the eruption takes place between late teens and early twenties (age between 17 and 21). As the teeth get developed when we are matured, they are known as wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth will not make … Continue reading Wisdom Tooth Removal to safeguard your oral health

Kids Dental Care

5 common dental issues that are prone to your kid’s teeth

Dental Blog, General, Kids Dentistry
by Surya Dental Care | August 30th, 2018

Baby teeth in infants and kids are highly vulnerable to tooth decay as their enamel are not harder as permanent teeth. Such caries and decay lead the teeth to fall out earlier. You may ask, “Permanent teeth can erupt only after the milk teeth fall out. Then, why we need to worry about that?”

Dental care during Pregnancy

Is it necessary for dental checkups during Pregnancy?

by Surya Dental Care | August 29th, 2018

Similar to prenatal checkups, dental checkups are also essential for every woman during their pregnancy period. Why? Your dental health has a direct effect on the health of your baby. Your teeth and gums are highly vulnerable to infection due to the hormonal changes occur during maternity. Such infection will lead to premature birth, low … Continue reading Is it necessary for dental checkups during Pregnancy?

Tooth Enamel Erosion

7 factors of tooth enamel erosion

Dental Blog, General, General Health, Oral Health
by Surya Dental Care | August 28th, 2018

Do you know which is the hardest part of our body? If you say bone, it is not correct. Your tooth enamel is much stronger than your bone. Enamel is the outer cover of a tooth and is responsible for protecting the inner layers of a tooth. As it is made up of dense material, … Continue reading 7 factors of tooth enamel erosion

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