Dental Blog

Bad Habits That Cause Oral Cancer

Bad Habits That Cause Oral Cancer

by Surya Dental Care

To maintain a healthy smile, you need to maintain oral health with all the necessary preventive steps. A common toothache or gum bleeding is not something that will be recovered without taking the required treatments. They may be symptoms of a severe dental disease you do not know about. Oral cancer occurs most of the … Continue reading Bad Habits That Cause Oral Cancer

How Your Love Life Is Connected To Dental Hygiene?

How Your Love Life Is Connected To Dental Hygiene?

by Surya Dental Care

When it is said that oral health is connected to the overall health, it can be well expected that it has its impact upon the life of the dental patients. A happy life lies in the prevention as well as protection against health related problems. Individuals working consistently on maintaining their physical as well as … Continue reading How Your Love Life Is Connected To Dental Hygiene?

Does Kidney Disease Cause Oral Health Issues?

Does Kidney Disease Cause Oral Health Issues?

by Surya Dental Care

Since the internal systems of human bodies are interconnected, it happens that one system gets affected when the other is exposed to diseases. The overall health is thus, maintained when each and every system of the body is maintained in its functioning. The same is true when the oral health is believed to be connected … Continue reading Does Kidney Disease Cause Oral Health Issues?

Oral Health Benefits of Cranberry Juice

Oral Health Benefits of Cranberry Juice

by Surya Dental Care

When parents found their children drinking juices and sugary drinks all day long, a strict ‘no’ is preferred as a warning. They know that eating or drinking excessive sugary liquids will have impact over the teeth. Layers of sugars over teeth invites or attracts bacteria to feed over it and increases risk of dental cavities. … Continue reading Oral Health Benefits of Cranberry Juice

4 Ways Your Poor Oral Health is Causing Depression

4 Ways Your Poor Oral Health is Causing Depression

by Surya Dental Care

Oral health maintenance is very important for overall health. When the dental problems are neglected for long time, oral health problems comes up like a surprise. There are wide range of symptoms dental patients suffer from, ranging from tooth ache, gum bleeding, insomnia or even lost appetite. The effect of such illness can be seen … Continue reading 4 Ways Your Poor Oral Health is Causing Depression

Best Food to Maintain Strength of Teeth

Best Food to Maintain Strength of Teeth

by Surya Dental Care

Starting from childhood, it is necessary to take care of the gums and teeth to avoid oral health problems at any point of time in life ahead. What we eat has a huge impact on our teeth. Most of the major dental problems arise because people do not maintain their diet and keeps and are … Continue reading Best Food to Maintain Strength of Teeth

The Actual Reason Why You Grind Your Teeth

The Actual Reason Why You Grind Your Teeth

by Surya Dental Care

It happens a lot of time to people that they wake with severe headaches as well as pain in their jaw. While the common reason people believe there is behind such pains is of general life stress, there are other teeth related problems they may be suffering from. Clenching teeth while in sleep can be … Continue reading The Actual Reason Why You Grind Your Teeth

What People Generally Ask About Cavity Treatments?

What People Generally Ask About Cavity Treatments?

by Surya Dental Care

Out of the most common dental problems people suffer with, cavities has its causes lying in the way we live our lives, particularly the way we eat. It is not just limited to a particular region of the world as people of all ages and also from around the world is suffering from this dental … Continue reading What People Generally Ask About Cavity Treatments?

Mouth Breathing in Children

Mouth Breathing in Children

by Surya Dental Care

What Causes Mouth Breathing In Children? Have you ever seen your children taking in deep breaths with his mouth wide open? Have you got him examined and diagnosed for any related disease? If not, you should know that your child or children may be suffering from mouth breathing problems. This is something which can easily … Continue reading Mouth Breathing in Children

Periodic Dental Check Up, Best Pediatric Dentists

Periodic Dental Check Up, Best Pediatric Dentists

by Surya Dental Care

Why Should You Opt for Periodic Dental Check Up for Kids? People consider the thought to visit a dentist mostly in cases when they feel some kind of pain or bleeding in their oral cavity. This is what curative approach says. But for prevention, it becomes necessary to keeps a check on the oral health … Continue reading Periodic Dental Check Up, Best Pediatric Dentists

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