Kids Dentistry

What is a Lip Tie?

Lip Tie: Causes, Diagnosis and Treatments

by Surya Dental Care

Nowadays, most parents are closely looking at the oral anatomy of their newborns, which increases the number of tongue ties or lip ties reported every year. This has also been proven by a study conducted by Trilogy Society. Mild lip ties do not pose any health concerns, whereas severe tongue ties can cause health complications … Continue reading Lip Tie: Causes, Diagnosis and Treatments

Natal Teeth - Babies born with teeth

Can Babies Be Born With Teeth? – Natal Teeth In Newborns

by Surya Dental Care

Teeth start to develop in babies a few months after their birth, but in some sporadic cases, your baby might be born with teeth that are called natal teeth. They are not harmful  and do not require any professional treatment. You may request your baby’s pediatrician to look at the teeth.   Newborns do not … Continue reading Can Babies Be Born With Teeth? – Natal Teeth In Newborns

Drool Rash | Dribble Rash | Teething Rash

Drool Rash in Babies: How To Prevent And Treat It

by Surya Dental Care

Baby skins are the softest skins, but too much saliva can cause irritation and turn into a drool rash when the saliva lasts long in your baby’s chin, neck, and even chest. There is no need to worry, as every baby starts drooling when they begin teething. The best is to keep a cloth so … Continue reading Drool Rash in Babies: How To Prevent And Treat It

5 Common teething problems in babies

5 Common teething problems in babies

by Surya Dental Care

Teething refers to erupting or breaking of teeth from the baby’s gum line. It is also known as odontiasis. They may be cranky and also painful when the teething starts but don’t be worried as it will be okay in a few days. Some may not even feel a little bit of pain. When do … Continue reading 5 Common teething problems in babies

Having baby teeth as an adult? Here are the things you should know

Having baby teeth as an adult? Here are the things you should know

by Surya Dental Care

Not everyone loses all of their milk teeth or baby teeth! Baby teeth are the first set of teeth a person gets, also known as deciduous, temporary, or primary teeth. Sometimes these baby teeth do not fall out and remain until adulthood. Still, having baby teeth is usually expected and depends on the patient’s individual … Continue reading Having baby teeth as an adult? Here are the things you should know

Pacifier Teeth | Will kids develop Dental Problems Due to Pacifiers

Will kids develop dental problems due to pacifiers?

by Surya Dental Care

Pacifiers help infants cope with distress and discomfort, stimulating increased sucking activity that provides comfort, aids in nourishment, and can soothe pain for breastfeeding infants. These popular devices, typically made of plastic or silicone, play a significant role in early childhood. However, prolonged use may lead to potential dental issues, including the condition known as … Continue reading Will kids develop dental problems due to pacifiers?

Orthodontic pacifier

What is an Orthodontic pacifier?

by Surya Dental Care

  The sucking reflex is one of the seven natural reflexes in newborns. This is why infants and babies suck their fingers (especially thumbs) and the objects they get. It is a common behavior that soothes babies and makes them feel secure and relaxed. Therefore, pacifiers are frequently used by parents to comfort their infants. … Continue reading What is an Orthodontic pacifier?

old home remedies for teething | baby teething remedies

7 Natural Infant Teething Remedies

by Surya Dental Care

Do you know why babies put whatever they get on into their mouths? It is because their teeth are growing. Even though it is a sign of development, toddlers encounter pain and swelling in their gums when the teeth begin to break through the gums. Hence the infants bite something to ease their teething discomfort. … Continue reading 7 Natural Infant Teething Remedies

What is meant by Tooth Mousse?

What is meant by Tooth Mousse?

by Surya Dental Care

Tooth Mousse is a topical cream, containing important mineral compounds to strengthen & protect your teeth. This oral hygiene product is recommended for kids who are in the initial stage of adult teeth eruption, and orthodontic patients. This foamy cream will be the right choice for your children if they find it difficult to adopt … Continue reading What is meant by Tooth Mousse?

What every parent should know about tongue thrust and tongue thrust therapy?

What every parent should know about tongue thrust and tongue thrust therapy?

by Surya Dental Care

Tongue Thrust is the most common orofacial myofunctional disorder. It is the practice of pushing the tongue forward too far for swallowing. This habit is common in kids as they stretch their tongues to consume milk and drinks while breastfeeding or bottle-feeding. Once the kids learn how to use their oral muscles properly, they break … Continue reading What every parent should know about tongue thrust and tongue thrust therapy?

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