Kids Dentistry

Tongue Crib Appliance | Tongue Crib | Tongue Thrust Appliance

How does a tongue crib appliance modify tongue behavior?

by Surya Dental Care

A tongue crib is a custom-made orthodontic appliance that fits inside the mouth. It has a metal grate, two rings (also called bands) with which the tool is attached to the back molars. It is prescribed for kids who have the habit of tongue thrusting. What are the harmful consequences of tongue thrusting? Similar to … Continue reading How does a tongue crib appliance modify tongue behavior?


Anodontia – Causes, Types, Diagnosis & Treatments

by Surya Dental Care

  Teething start in babies when they are 4 months old. Some babies have late tooth eruptions due to various reasons. It is also pretty normal. However, if you notice no teeth have erupted in your baby even after 13 months, you should concern it. Such missing teeth might happen due to a genetic condition … Continue reading Anodontia – Causes, Types, Diagnosis & Treatments

5 tips to alleviate teething pain of your little champs

5 tips to alleviate teething pain of your little champs

by Surya Dental Care

Teeth eruption is an important development stage of a baby. Do you know the teeth begin to develop before the birth of a baby? The developed teeth begin to erupt when the infant is aged 4 months. While teething, the baby cannot stay calm as it causes mild pain, soreness in the gums to babies. … Continue reading 5 tips to alleviate teething pain of your little champs

why are my child's permanent teeth coming in yellow

why are my child’s permanent teeth coming in yellow?

by Surya Dental Care

  Permanent teeth eruption is not just a sign of your kid’s oral development. It is also a manifestation of growth in healthy children. The milk teeth that erupt in infancy are pushed out by the permanent teeth. Usually, the adult teeth eruption begins when a kid turns 6 or 7 years old.   It … Continue reading why are my child’s permanent teeth coming in yellow?

6 teeth-friendly & yummy snacks for your kids

6 teeth-friendly & yummy snacks for your little champs

by Surya Dental Care

Kids always stick to tasty snacks between their meals whilst parents also feed the handy snacks available like biscuits. Sadly, most snacks available in the market do not hold the nutrients essential for a toddler’s body. In the meantime, those finger foods are overloaded with various flavoring constituents that will attack the kid’s milk teeth. … Continue reading 6 teeth-friendly & yummy snacks for your little champs

Delayed Dental Eruption

Why do some infants have delays in teeth eruption?

by Surya Dental Care

Teeth development for babies also takes place during the menstruation cycle. An infant has most of its teeth developed beneath its gums during delivery. You can witness the teeth only after they breakthrough the gums and this is known as eruption. Normally, the teeth begin to erupt when a baby is aged 6 months old. … Continue reading Why do some infants have delays in teeth eruption?

Kid with milk Teeth

Why should you care for your kid’s baby teeth?

by Surya Dental Care

Many people wonder whether there is any need to take care of their baby’s teeth. While some people have the logical argument that these teeth will fall out, it is vital to ensure good oral health for your children. Baby teeth play a very significant role in the development of your child, making it necessary … Continue reading Why should you care for your kid’s baby teeth?

Baby Brushing Teeth

Important facets to develop good dental health habits in children

by Surya Dental Care

Kids learn by example, and parents are the first and primary example kids have when it comes to creating healthy habits on their own. Parents sometimes have a hard time convincing their kids to take good care of their teeth. Although a child’s baby teeth will eventually all fall out, it’s not a free pass … Continue reading Important facets to develop good dental health habits in children

Baby Teething

Baby teething Remedies

by Surya Dental Care

While babies getting their first teeth is an occasion worth treasuring, the process is far from easy for the kid. Baby teething causes pain which results in lot of uncomfortable moments for the child. As a parent, we understand that the child’s comfort always comes first to you. So, here in this article, our child … Continue reading Baby teething Remedies

Feeding Bottle

Important things every parent should know about Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

by Surya Dental Care

Tooth decay occurs in kids and infants is termed as Baby bottle tooth decay and toddler tooth decay. Every parent should take care of their toddler’s teeth as they serve as the foundation for the adult or permanent teeth. Decay is the main culprit for milk teeth and makes the baby teeth prone to lose … Continue reading Important things every parent should know about Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

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