Gum Contouring
Periodontics is the branch of dentistry whichstudies the supporting structures of teeth,known as the periodontium, which includes thegingiva (gums), alveolar bone, cementum, and theperiodontal ligaments. Literally taken, it meansstudy of that which is “around the tooth”.
Periodontal diseases take on many differentforms, but are usually a result of bacterialinfection of the gums. Untreated, it often leadsto tooth loss and alveolar bone loss.
Periodontology also involves the placing ofdental implants to replace missing teeth.

Gum Contouring is a surgical procedure where inthe gums are shaped by surgical incisions, underlocal anesthesia to a more esthetically balancedappearance. This is called a simple cosmetic gumlift. The tissue heals very quickly with verylittle discomfort after the treatment.
Frequently Asked Question
Am I a candidate for gum contouring?
Choosing gum contouring is a personal decision. It is just a cosmetic procedure. If you are worried about your smile because your teeth look small or large, gum contouring is a good option.
Does gum contouring hurt?
There might be some pain or discomfort. We use numbing agents and medicate during the treatment to reduce pain level.
Are teeth reshaping good for dental health?
Yes. Cracks, chips, and overlaps create a way for bacteria to hide. By smoothing out these problems, future cavities can be avoided.
What should I follow to heal after gum contouring?
You should eat cool and soft foods. You can use a pain reliever as suggested by your doctor. Avoid taking aspirin as it causes gum bleeding. Follow the dentist’s advice on how to brush your teeth.
Are gum contouring a long procedure?
No, it does not take more time. It is more cost effecctive when compared to other cosmetic procedures.