Clear braces are the primary choice for people who want to straighten their teeth discreetly. Initially, the invisible braces were utilized to correct slightly misaligned teeth. Modern dental technology has made clear orthodontic aligners effective for treating complex malocclusions.
However, some orthodontic issues are hard to correct with clear aligners alone. So dentists use a button-like appliance called “Attachments” with transparent braces to accomplish the goal of creating healthy bites. It is popularly known as Invisalign attachments or buttons.
How do attachments help clear aligner treatments?
The attachments are small, tooth-colored pieces attached to specific teeth. The clear braces fit securely over the attachments, ensuring they stay in place. Thus the attachments hold the brace steady to move your crooked teeth to the proper position.
Such attachments for clear braces are made of composite resins and available in different shapes and sizes. Each one has specific teeth movement. Orthodontists decide which size and shape will correct teeth misalignment only after identifying the degree of movement a patient’s crooked teeth require.
Do orthodontists provide teeth attachments for every clear braces treatment?
No. Orthodontists prescribe it only if they detect the teeth movement cannot be done with just clear braces alone. As mentioned earlier, it is required for teeth straightening cases that require complex solutions.
For instance, straightening the rotated teeth with clear braces is tedious. It is because when the teeth undergo a higher degree of rotation, it occupies more space in the jaw so that the neighboring teeth start to displace, causing overcrowding of teeth.
Under such circumstances, additional force is essential for teeth movement. This is where clear braces attachments come in handy.
Will dentists affix buttons to each tooth?
No. Every single tooth does not need extra force during Invisalign treatment.
The additional force needed is calculated by orthodontists using the clinical evaluation. Later they affix the required number of bonds in accordance with their findings.
How are the attachments bonded to the teeth?
The procedure begins with preparing the tooth with a particular type of gel. After a few minutes, the gel is removed, and the teeth are rinsed. It is followed by cementing the attachments in the following manner:
Now, an adhesive agent is applied over the teeth surfaces with a small brush.
Then an appliance called template aligner that contains little spaces is used. It allows the buttons to load into the gaps.
Dentists place the template aligner over the teeth. Once the appliance is pressed with gentle pressure, the attachments get glued to the cementing agents applied on the teeth. Then a special light is equipped to harden the bonded attachment devices.
Once dentists ensure the teeth attachments are correctly bonded, they remove the template aligner.
After all the attachments are bonded, you will get the clear brace from your orthodontist.
Can anyone notice the Invisalign attachments?
Don’t worry. The clear braces attachments are barely visible. As the buttons mimic the natural tooth colour and envelope with clear aligners, no one can notice the Invisalign attachments easily.
What should you do when the attachments get damaged or broken?
Although stains are common in Invisalign attachments, they do not break or fall off easily. Such damages in Invisalign attachments occur occasionally. If you encounter breakage in the buttons, you can replace it with a new attachment from your dentist in a single visit.
Are there any potential risks associated with clear aligner attachments?
Like other teeth straightening appliances, the teeth attachments also instigate discomfort like mild pain. Luckily, such complications disappear once your mouth becomes accustomed to the new appliance.
However, the attachments provide a way for a few issues that are listed below:
- Plaque build-up
- Tooth decay
- Staining
Food particles and microorganisms begin to gather around the attachments as they rest on the teeth surfaces.
If you do not correctly maintain your oral hygiene while using Invisalign attachments, bacterial accumulation will continue, leading to microbial invasions on your teeth.
Bottom Line
Correcting severe malocclusions with clear braces requires additional force for teeth movement. Hence Invisalign attachments are bonded. The attachments are tooth-colored buttons cemented over the teeth surfaces. The number and shape of attachments required vary for each person depending on the complexity of the teeth misalignment.
Want to know more about this appliance? Contact our orthodontists in Trichy here.
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