Is it possible to wear braces on top or bottom teeth only?

You may have noticed someone around you wearing braces simply on the top or bottom of their teeth. They may already have perfect teeth on one arch and only have minor crowding or spacing problems on the other.

Some patients know neither arch is perfect, but only one row of their teeth bothers them enough to get orthodontic treatment.

Even though single-arch braces treatments are more common and possible, many dentists are against them. Keep reading to know the reasons.

What is single arch braces treatment?

“Single arch braces treatment” refers to upper or lower teeth braces. Arches are u-shaped arrangements that are made up of your dentitions. In other words, both your upper teeth and your lower teeth form an arch.

Why do the majority of people prefer single-arch braces?

Most adults and youngsters prefer having braces on their top teeth. It’s because when we smile, our upper teeth are visible.

As a result, many people need to give their bottom teeth more attention. They think that realigning the top arch will be sufficient to improve their symmetrical smile since they are worried about their self-esteem.

Cost is an additional factor. Few people choose to get bottom-row or top-row braces only for financial reasons. For example, they believe teeth straightening can be done for half the price by getting braces for just one arch.

Except in some instances, orthodontists do not recommend single-arch braces as a promising technique for realigning teeth.

To understand this, you should acknowledge what the teeth straightening appliances aim at apart from just straightening your teeth.

Upper teeth braces

Every time we speak, smile or eat, our upper teeth are on display. Some people feel self-conscious about how their upper teeth seem and think they could look better.

You can get braces on your upper teeth, depending on the nature of your problems. But sadly, it’s not relatively easy. It is because a smile involves much more than just whether it is straight.

To protect your smile, your bite must fit together correctly. Your entire bite may be off if your top and bottom jaws are not appropriately adjusted. If you straighten one portion of your teeth, you may have worse issues than before.

A crossbite, overbite, or underbite cannot be fixed without the ability to adjust the top or bottom teeth. These upper braces, however, can help patients who don’t have a bite problem but are unhappy with a crooked tooth or a space in their top row of teeth. 

Lower teeth braces

Lower braces are less often seen. Patients are more likely to treat their front teeth because they are more noticeable when they smile. Patients may use bottom teeth braces to correct the issue because misaligned bottom teeth are prominent when speaking.

A bite problem caused by crowded or twisted teeth also can be fixed with braces. Some people want to correct a crowding issue or something similar on the bottom arch because they are happy with their upper teeth.

It may seem as though only the bottom teeth require correction because your top teeth are straight. However, fixing bite issues is far more crucial than straightening your teeth.

This can only be done with braces on both arches of the mouth because of the delicate interplay involved. 

You can end up with bottom teeth that are perfectly straight but entirely out of alignment with the upper arch, or you might have teeth that have a substantial crossbite, underbite, or overbite.

In very simple words, things just become out of balance. You’ll end up with new biting issues and misaligned bottom teeth.

Why do orthodontists not advise getting braces for just one arch?

Applying braces to just one arch may not be feasible for some people. The braces won’t fit properly, or they’ll rub against the top teeth if there isn’t enough space between the front of the bottom teeth and the insides of the front teeth.

To resolve this issue, both arches must be treated. That’s why most orthodontists will not recommend bracing on a single arch.

One-arch dental braces are not recommended for the following main reasons:

  • Teeth will weaken
  • The biting problems will increase
  • Jawbone issues

Bottom line

Consult your orthodontist about your options before choosing single arch treatment. Before deciding whether a single arch treatment is a possibility, it’s essential to consider all relevant factors.

To address a variety of issues, your orthodontist may advise getting braces for both arches.

Your orthodontist will explain the benefits of both options so you can select the best treatment option.

For further details, contact our Orthodontists in Trichy immediately or schedule an appointment online for a free consultation.