Here in this article, let us talk about the different tips when it comes to taking care of your dental bridges.
The typical lifespan of a dental bridge is around 10 odd years if good care is taken and hence it becomes very vital that you take measures that extend the life of your dental bridge.
Dental bridge treatment is one of the main procedures undertaken by doctors and this is done for a myriad of reasons. The main reasons why a dental bridge procedure is usually performed is:
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- To replace the missing tooth.
- To maintain the shape of your face and enhance your speaking ability.
- To reduce the time taken for the procedure when compared to its alternatives.
Advantages of dental bridges:
- Dental bridges are more aesthetic when compared to the alternatives.
- Time taken for a procedure is quite less.
- If you are suffering from a medical condition such as cancer or diabetes and are not eligible to undertake dental implants, in this case, dental bridges are a better option.
Coming back to the tips, here are the tips that you ought to follow after the dental bridge procedure:
- Brush regularly and normally. It is vital that you continue brushing twice a day even after undertaking dental bridge procedure. But before undertaking the procedure, you should consult your dentist on what type of toothbrush will suit your teeth.
- Floss your teeth on a regular basis & use mouthwash when needed: It is mandatory that you floss on a fairly regular basis. Also, use mouthwash after a heavy meal to keep your oral region fresh.
- Eat a rich diet that consists of fruits, vegetables and fibre-rich snacks such as bananas.
- Avoid chewing food that is rough, sticky or abrasive such as hard candies, bread & chewing gums.
- If your dental bridge is uncomfortable/looks out of place, don’t hesitate to call a dentist/visit a dentist nearby.
- Use a toothpaste that is sensitive and is good for your oral health in the long run.
- Make sure your bite is fine.
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