Why different seasons can make your snoring worse?

Do you snore occasionally? Reasons why different seasons can make your Snoring worse. 

If your Snoring gets worse as the season change or if you notice that you snore more than usual during a particular season of the year, then you may be a seasonal snorer.

Whatever the case, seasonal Snoring may signal a change in season or a more serious problem. However, Snoring can also have an impact on your quality of sleep as well as the sleep of everyone else in the room with you.

Keep reading this blog to know why the different seasons make you snore worse.

What is snoring?

Snoring is a harsh or hoarse sound that results when air passes through relaxed throat tissues and causes the tissues to vibrate with each breath. Everyone snores, at least sometimes in their life. Although anyone can be affected by this common condition, men and people who are overweight are more likely to experience it than others. Sometimes it can indicate serious health issues.


A number of things, including your weight, the anatomy of your mouth and sinuses, allergies, colds, and drinking habits, can cause you to snore.

When you fall asleep and move from light to deep sleep, the muscles in your throat, tongue, and the roof of your mouth (soft palate) relax. Your throat tissues also can become relaxed that partially blocking your nasal passages and vibrating.

The following conditions can block the airway and lead to Snoring:

  • People who have a low or thick soft palate can make their airways narrow.
  • People with overweight can have extra tissues in the back of the throat that can lead to a narrow airway.
  • Consuming alcohol before bedtime can trigger Snoring.
  • It can be caused by chronic nasal congestion or deviated nasal septum (a crooked partition between the nostrils).
  • Sleep deprivation may lead to further throat relaxation that may contribute to Snoring.
  • Sleeping on your back also can cause you to snore. When sleeping on your back, the gravity effect on the throat narrows the airway.

The reasons why can different seasons make your Snoring worse

Your Snoring can become worse depending on anything, including colds, allergies as well as weather changes.

The following are may the causes of fluctuations throughout the year in your Snoring:

During summer or spring

Allergies are a common cause of Snoring. A pollen allergy, often known as hay fever, can make it difficult to fall asleep at night. Your nose is the main channel through which allergens get into the body. When blood flow is increased, the inflammatory molecules are also relaxed, which causes a clogged nose and makes you breathe through your mouth.

Here we provide some useful tips that can help you to get a good sleep:

  1. Pollens which is a sticky substances that can cling to your hair, skin, body, and clothes while being outside. It can stay in your body and clothes until it is thoroughly washed off. So showering before bed can help you to remove all the pollens.
  2. Keep shut your windows and remove any pollens that have accumulated on the carpet or floor. Using a damp cloth when dusting to ensure that the pollen stick to that cloth rather than simply being spread around.
  3. Allergies from pollen can cause your nasal passage to become inflamed or swollen, which makes it difficult to breathe through your nose. This congestion can also limit the airflow and increase air turbulence and make you snore more or worse. Using a nasal decongestant helps your nasal passages open so you can breathe through your nose easily.

During winter or autumn

You are more likely to get viral infections during colder temperatures. The reason for this is you are more like to spend indoors and less exposed to sunlight and vitamin D, so infections can spread easily. These cold temperatures may also dampen the immune system to slow down their response.

If you get cold, the different viruses target your upper respiratory tract. At this time, blood vessels in your nose become swollen and block your nose along with your body’s natural defense mechanism. This can narrow your airway and make the air more turbulent. As a result, you start breathing through your mouth and snore.

The following tips will help you to get better sleep during cold weather:

  • Avoid sleeping flat on your back, and try to sleep on your side.
  • Using an additional pillow will aid you in draining out the sinuses and relieve congestion.
  • Using a humidifier when you get cold will help keep the air become moist.
  • Taking a hot water shower can help you open your nasal passages.
  • Using a nasal decongestant is always a good idea to open your nose airways to relieve snuffing for a while.

Bottom line

Snoring is a common condition that is more likely in men and people with overweight. Since it is harmless but sometimes it can indicate serious health problems like sleep apnea. If you know from your partner or someone else that you are snoring worse, it is best to schedule an appointment with your doctor right away. They can determine the causes of your Snoring and suggest the best treatment plan based on that.